The Leftist Media Continues to Try and Absorb the Unthinkable

There are nine things the leftist whiners at @Politico want us to know about themselves:

1. They’re really upset that Oprah didn’t push Kamala Harris over the top.

2. They’re really, really upset that the Democrats’ lawfare strategy didn’t work against Donald Trump.

3. They just recently discovered digital campaigning tools.

4. They really miss the days following George Floyd’s death when riots, defunding the police, and tearing down statues were all the rage.

5. They’re very disappointed that Democrats can’t rely on a pro-abortion platform to win elections. They thought it was the key to permanent victory for Democrats.

6. They’re very upset that citizens are allowed to think for themselves and can’t be forced to believe state propaganda.

7. They’re very disappointed in RFK, Jr. defecting from the Democrat party. How dare he?

8. They’re very upset that their plan to label every idea they oppose as “misinformation” has run into a bit of a speed bump called Free Speech. It’s a real thing. Google it.

9. And they’re very sad that Saturday Night Live isn’t hammering Republicans as relentlessly as they used to.

Source: Media Research Center, @theMRC


Leftist Salon shrieks that “Republicans quietly cut IRS funding by $20 billion in bill to avert government shutdown.”

It’s a start. America will prosper when the agency is gone, along with most of the taxes it enforces. But it’s a start.

I am confident Trump and Musk want to cut spending. But Republicans haven’t delivered on spending cuts — well, ever. It will be an interesting year or two.



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