America’s Out-of-Control Government

The same federal government that wants to outlaw fossil fuels (which means: outlaw civilization) and force vaccines, masks, censorship, gun bans and lockdowns on us now claims: “We can’t do anything about the drones flying over homes in five states.”

Seriously? Then what in the hell do we have a federal government for?The federal government has become what eventually all big governments become: a privately funded gang in service of its own interests. It goes beyond the lawless Biden regime. IT’S THE WHOLE DAMN THING.

President Trump has his work cut out for him in trying to reform this monstrosity. In just 4 years, no less. If he doesn’t succeed, we will have to take the war to another level. We CANNOT go on like this.

The drones fiasco is just the tip of the iceberg.


On another subject:

President Trump could conceivably face prison once leaving office for made-up felony convictions by the judge, Soros prosector and attorney general of New York. It’s imperative to make these lawless fascists pay with ACTUAL federal felonies if not federal treason charges. It’s imperative to make an example of these people, and attempt to restore what’s left of the rule of law in America.



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