Why The Woke Cannot Psychologically Tolerate a President Trump

A President is not the most important thing. Politically speaking, one’s freedom IS the most important thing. The presidency is only important if it upholds liberty. Trump is important because his election victory marks a turn away from a woke, partisan dictatorship of leftists armed with a banana republic mentality of show trials and weaponized courts and police. Trump’s election is a movement toward freedom and liberty in America, all but lost these last few years.

To leftists, a Trump presidency is intolerable. Not because of his positions. Their stunning distortion of his positions reveals they have no desire to understand what he advocates. Even if their lives remain the same or improve under a Trump presidency, it will still all be intolerable to them. The reason for this is that leftists cannot feel peace knowing that a substantial number of people disagree with them on significant things. They feel compelled to know that nearly everyone agrees with them on nearly everything. Otherwise, their fragile and insecure selves must endure the intolerable experience of rugged individualism and psychological independence. THIS they simply cannot stand. Without validation of their views and values by huge majorities of their pack, they cannot experience the pseudo self-esteem that props them up.

This is why they shriek, scold and seek to intimidate all who don’t see things as they do. Persuasion is not in the leftists’ toolkit, and on some level they must know that their fallacies of socialism, fascism, Communism and woke psychopathology cannot withstand five minutes of exposure to facts and objective truth.



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