Whatever Democrats Get from Trump, They Deserve It

Democrats now scream that Trump will weaponize the federal government against domestic enemies of the United States — in other words, things they, the Democrats under the Biden Harris regime, HAVE ALREADY DONE. The crucial difference is that leftists (from Obama on down) are actual enemies of the United States, having spied on a presidential campaign in 2016, used the flu as an excuse to declare martial law in order to oust a President they did not like, and weaponized the FBI and the court system against dissenters (from Trump on down) critical of their socialistic, totalitarian policies.

Now, they self-righteously proclaim that Trump has no right to do to them what they have already done to him. Precisely the opposite is true: Whatever is coming to these leftist fascist-Communist psychopaths, they absolutely deserve it. They declared war on America and its Bill of Rights. Retaliation is justified, if not obligatory. If we don’t hold them accountable, they will come right back and do even worse things.



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