Why Do the “Best & Brightest” Support American Totalitarians?

Why are the most educated almost always leftists and Democrats? Leftism means totalitarianism. That means government control of the media, the universities and research. Aren’t the educated smart enough to know this will come back to bite them?

Why are the wealthiest almost always leftists and Democrats? Leftism means a government-run economy. Communists and socialists like Kamala and Walz can shut down companies and businesses they dislike, even on a whim. How does it promote woke corporate profits to kiss the asses of authoritarian mediocrities?

Why are the artists, actors, musicians and entertainers almost always leftists and Democrats? Communism means state-sanctioned entertainment only. What could be more stifling to creativity and artistic expression than federally approved movies, dramas, concerts and works of art?

Why are journalists almost always leftists and Democrats? Castro courted journalists and media to install his Communist regime, just as Kamala and Walz do now. He promptly imprisoned the ones he disliked, once in power. Media personalities clamor to imprison Trump and his supporters for questioning the regime. Do these media people think it will never be their turn?

What is wrong with the supposedly best and brightest of our culture? Why are they all brainless morons, and idiots?



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