Our Government is Sadistic Beyond Imagination

I heard on Sean Hannity yesterday evening that Biden is creating chaos in the storm-ravaged hills of North Carolina because he wants to have a p.r. appearance to benefit the Commiefascist whore who ousted him. (Why does he care about her?)

If it were up to me, the military would dump Joe, Dr. Biden and Hunter in the North Carolina wilderness and allow them to fend for themselves. (Kamala and her woman-beating husband, too.) I really mean that. I would do it.

Personally, I don’t believe in FEMA, nationalized flood insurance or government-run, taxpayer-funded charity for victims of floods and storms. Those things were not in our Constitution, because we never were intended to be a socialist country. However, that’s the system we now have, and trillions have been spent on it in taxation and (indirectly) inflation. So where’s the help? None for North Carolina and Georgia, the rural areas hardest hit by these storms. They’re begging for money from the Imperial City whose priorities are 100 percent with funding illegals and foreign dictators. And just think: North Carolina and Georgia are swing states.

If the conditions are not ripe for the American version of a French Revolution RIGHT NOW, then it’s hard to imagine they ever will be. Our political rulers are undiluted scum, and they are irredeemable.

Transportation Secretary Buttigieg won’t let private planes in to the hurricane stricken rural areas. It’s either the govenrnment — or nothing — when it comes to providing aid. And (inexplicably) the government won’t provide any aid. It’s evil and sadistic beyond imagining.

While we’re at it, let’s dump Pete Buttigieg into the rain-soaked, powerless wilderness and let him fend for himself.


Lame duck puppet Biden clearly supports the dockworkers’ demand for a 65 percent increase in pay. He must know this will cause prices on goods to soar even more than the hyperinflation already fueled by the government’s unsustainable debt and spending.

If you had a plan to destroy America by bankrupting its middle class through destroying purchasing power, you would do everything Obama-Biden-Harris are doing. And millions of Americans (most of them middle class) who vote for Obama-Biden-Harris applaud their own destruction. “We may starve. But at least we won’t have Trump.”

Madness beyond the imagination of any dystopian writer or student of psychopathology.



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