Repeat After Me: “Kamala is Great. Kamala is Great. Kamala is Great.”

Here’s what you can expect from the newly revamped U.S. Supreme Court once Kamala and the DemComs pack it.

“Brazilian Supreme Federal Tribunal (STF) Minister Alexandre de Moraes threatened on Wednesday to block access to X in Brazil if the social media platform does not appoint a legal representative in the country within 24 hours.

De Moraes, the equivalent of what in the United States would be a Supreme Court justice, subpoenaed X and its owner, Elon Musk, in a post made on the site itself on Wednesday night — a move that the STF itself reportedly described as “unprecedented,” as it marks the first time the Brazilian top court has subpoenaed someone on social media.” [Breitbart]

Communism is on the rise everywhere.


2020: “Everyone else is wearing a mask; the media says I should; so I will too.”

2021: “Everyone else is getting the vax; the media says I should; so I will too.”

2024: “Everyone else is saying Kamala’s the one; the media certainly thinks so; so I will too.”

This is how you get concentration camps: through mass mindlessness.


“Vote for Kamala,” people who know absolutely nothing about the woman claim. “Kamala means joy.”

Pain is joy.

MSNBC says so. So it must be true.

Orwell predicted this very thing. His book should have been titled 2024, not 1984. But the essentials are the same.


Kamala’s campaign writes the rules for the time, place and specifics of every debate with Trump.

When you’re the candidate for the Party who owns the media, you get to determine the rules of the debate. This doesn’t frighten Trump because he is, quite literally, fearless against the sociopaths we collectively label The Establishment. That’s why millions love him more than ever.


“If taxation without consent is not robbery, then any band of robbers have only to declare themselves a government, and all their robberies are legalized.”

–Ariana Grande

Yes. And I would add that today’s politicians are worse than robbers. Robbers must live on the run, from the (legitimate) law. The fascists and monsters ruling over us face zero accountability. They are running wild, and running over us. At least so long as we keep taking it.


Kamala says despite her wildly shifting positions, she retains the same “values.” And she’s not lying. Her top value is POWER — for the sake of power. She will say or do anything to get it. Kind of like a prostitute. Except the prostitute isn’t harming anyone other than herself. Kamala, if permitted, could destroy the world. And when it all comes tumbling down, the people screaming for Kamala now will scream, “It’s all Trump’s fault!”




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