Making the Absurd Into the Plausible

One central purpose of propaganda is to make the absurd plausible. That’s what 99.99 percent of the media is doing with Kamala. Everyone — including the vast majority of Democrats who rejected her in early 2020 primaries — knows she’s not a plausible President. No more than Biden, although at least Biden was a known entity. With propaganda tactics that would make the Chinese Communist Party proud, the media creates the impression — by exaggerating or outright making up stories like “Kamala pulling ahead in Southern states, she may take Florida” — that she’s more than a viable candidate. If this doesn’t work, or if she flops at the Democratic convention or in the debates with Trump, then they’ll simply boot Biden out of office and install her as President. Right before the election season (no longer an Election Day with all the mail in voting), they’ll saturate the airwaves with “the first female black President enters the Oval Office” and they’ll count on the celebrity “historic” strategy/excitement factor to push her over the top (along with fraud, of course) into the White House for another 4-8 years.

After what they pulled off with COVID, and a race war and then Biden in 2020, and subsequent hyperinflation of the currency and jailing of political dissidents, can you really blame them for trying to get away with it? And they absolutely can.



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