The World Anti-Trumpsters Are Creating for Us

I keep reading of Republicans (former GOP lieutenant governor of Georgia, the latest example) who will support Kamala over Donald Trump. It’s inconceivable to me. These are people who claim to support fewer government regulations, lower taxes, some version of private property, a stronger military (for American defense only, on the Reagan model) and a stronger border — as well as at least partial privatization of schools. They know Trump will deliver on ALL of these things, or at least try his hardest. His prior record proves that. They also know, with certainty, that Kamala will do the opposite — and that if it’s even possible, she will even be more of an overt Marxist/fascist than Biden was.

How can you be for Republican policies and against Communism or fascism — and STILL vote for the Communist/fascist rather than the Republican? It defies reason. It stinks not of stupidity, but of absurd, mind-numbingly corrupt dishonesty. I say “absurd” because how STUPID do you think people have to be not to see the obvious contradiction? I guess a lot of them are that stupid.

We are in a national emergency of unprecedented proportions. That emergency began at least around 2020 or 2021. We don’t have time to find the perfect candidate for President. Donald Trump may be closer to perfect than you think. Donald Trump actually has shown a fortitude and courage we have rarely seen in American history. And it’s a fortitude and courage you will find NOWHERE — absolutely nowhere — in American culture today, least of all in politics.

If you’re an actual Republican (or libertarian, or similar) and actively plan to vote for Kamala over Donald Trump, given all that you know, then you are — in my book — truly the lowest of the low. I hold you more responsible than anyone else for all the disasters we will face in the very possible event that DemComs consolidate their totalitarian power — forever — in the remaining months of 2024, assuming they have not done so already.

The same fraud, machinations & manipulations in place to ensure a Biden win will be in place to ensure a Kamala win.

“Stop Trump by any means necessary. NOTHING matters except stopping him.”

Clearly this is the attitude of all Democrats, RINOs, some libertarians and independents.

The problem? Once you open the door to “anything goes” … well then, anything goes. After Trump, you will be left with a legacy of no due process, mail-in ballot fraud, censorship by proxy on social media, arrests of political candidates for dissenting opinions and all the rest.

Once you set the precedent that you are an unprincipled, amoral society where the Bill of Rights may be arbitrarily and selectively suspended for political reasons, and where the government may exercise such power whenever it feels like it, then your status as a free, moral country is finished. Do you even realize what you threw away?

You’re not going to like it, RINOs and leftists. You feel good now, because you think you’re getting Trump. You won’t necessarily even get him. But whether you do or not, you destroyed your republic. And all the prosperity and civilization that went with it.

You’re not going to like it.



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