Alex Soros Isn’t Worried About Biden. That Should Concern You.

Here’s the thing you must understand about Democrats — and many careerist Republicans in office, too: POWER is the only thing they value. Yes, most of them want money. But money, for them, is a form of power. They don’t seek money merely for good, comfortable lives for themselves or their families. They want to lord it over others. Having lots of money — and power — enables you to do that. Career politicians have no rational selves. If they start out with rational selves, they lose their humanity after enough time in office. People without rational selves don’t know how to feel good about themselves. All they know is they must feel superior to others. They need to harm or denigrate others in order to feel good about themselves. In the minor case it’s a neurosis; in the extreme case, it’s evil. The Imperial City is — self-evidently, almost all of us can agree — full of evil. And that’s why.

Power hungry Democrats (and many career Republicans) stood by Joe Biden despite his obvious infirmities (not to mention character flaws) because they thought he could beat Donald Trump, or at least seem credible in a context of absentee voting ballots, and could also be counted on to sign each and every one of their radical leftist bills. Mission accomplished. Now Biden’s becoming an embarrassment, and that threatens their power. So they’ll move on to someone else, if they can.

The most revealing thing about this whole fiasco so far isn’t what I just wrote. It’s Alex Soros (son of Soros). He promises to be even worse than his father, and pretty much brags about it. He promises to be even MORE aggressive than his father at bringing socialism and fascism to the soon-to-be-former free world. His thirst for power is beyond anything we’ve seen yet — and mark my words, keep an eye on him.

Alex Soros has unequivocally stated that The Party must stand by Biden. This means the ultimate power tripper does not see Biden as a threat to rising, totalitarian leftist power. Why not? Biden is a disaster, and his own media has now turned against him. There can only be one answer as to why Soros does not view Biden as a threat: The “election” is in the bag. The fix is in. So far as Alex Soros is concerned, Joe Biden will last into his second term. And perhaps they will get rid of him then.

It’s all a sad, sick soap opera. It’s not worthy of the America that was created and sustained through many generations, often at a great cost. But it’s where we are. Follow the money, they say; and the statement isn’t wrong. But what we’re really talking about here is POWER. For generations, we’ve given the federal government (and many state governments) power that no government in a free country ever should have had. Perhaps the remarkable thing is that it took this long to blow up in our faces.


In reference to the people (on the right) still saying they’ll abandon Trump in the (probably rigged) election, since they find him too mean or “unpresidential”:

It’s fine to abandon Trump, I suppose, but if you do you’re sending a message that totalitarianism is acceptable in America. The party in power is ruthlessly, openly totalitarian. Their arrest and attempt to imprison Trump is evidence enough, although there’s far more evidence in the last 4 years — censorship, vax mandates, wealth redistribution, huge tax increases coming, open borders, weaponizing the FBI, arming the IRS, etc, etc. Trump, whatever his flaws and contradictions, is not a totalitarian. I can’t understand not supporting Trump, under these conditions.



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