Trump’s Opponents Don’t Want America to Succeed

“Success will bring unity to our country,” a victorious Trump told supporters on Super Tuesday. This presupposes that his opposition wants success. Success means liberty, freedom, the Bill of Rights, honest democratic elections, freedom of speech and association, meritocracy, real capitalism, a rising standard of living for all, rational immigration with borders, and self-responsibility. Trump’s opposition, in both parties, want NONE of these things. So if by success Trump means freedom and prosperity, he’s not going to unite good people with bad people. The bad guys, and the fools who support DemComs and RINOs, don’t want success. They have the media, the schools and much of the corporate world behind them. This is why Trump’s battle continues to be so ferocious.

The only way to drain the swamp is cut off their money supply (massively reducing the size and scope of the government), arrest and try for treason the top offenders: Starting with Biden, his Cabinet and Obama. If that’s what we’re talking about, I am all in.



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