Forget Impeachment. We’re Talking Treason.

Forget impeachment. We need treason trials and convictions for every member of the Biden and Obama regimes.

As The American Thinker wrote on 2-13-24:

Both [Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley] were unique in how they demonstrated their lack of understanding of the seriousness of our newly weaponized government. Trump’s entrance into politics began as a mockery but has now progressed into impeachments, indictments, ballot removals, arrests, and God knows what else to come between now and November. These are real issues, and any candidate who suggests that these things should be “left in the past” concedes that he either isn’t aware of the legitimacy of voter concerns about these issues or is willfully ignoring them for political gain. Either explanation is disqualifying.

Republicans ignoring or not recognizing these attacks as real issues is a wrong. But Democrats’ current and most brazenly hypocritical instance of gaslighting to date is even more alarming. Leftist TV panels can frequently be heard shrieking at the thought of Trump indicting his political opponents. Yes, they somehow say this without ever noting that Biden and his cronies have already set the precedent for this. They almost deserve credit for getting through their TV segments with a straight face. But despite all their theatre, it isn’t “retribution” they truly fear, but rather accountability, and perhaps with good reason.



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