The art of the deal — 21st Century style. Check out the picture.
American capitalism now consists of paid off career politician hacks taking bribes from billionaire Communists in China — and then laundering the money through a corrupt former member of the Soviet Union under the guise of “protecting freedom.”
The only freedom being protected? The Biden bankbook. And this creep from Ukraine who claims to be a hero is — to quote an old cliche — laughing all the way to the (world) bank.
We live in beyond sickening times.
Anyone Republican who runs for President without a CREDIBLE plan for fighting election fraud in Wisconsin, PA, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, etc. is a FOOL. He or she is already disqualified on that count.
Yes, that includes DeSantis and Trump. I believe DeSantis is too smart for this, but maybe I overestimate him. Trump is a special case, because he has a score to settle. But still, we learned from Trump that words in place of actions when it comes to election fraud will do us no good. And it seems to be getting him criminally prosecuted.
Instead of starting a fraudulent company, Sam Bankman-Fried should have run for office, won and stolen money as a Democratic leftist member of Congress. He’d be a billionaire forever with no remote possibility of jail. EVER.
Sam Bankman-Fried missed his calling.
The FBI doesn’t deny censorship and collusion with Twitter and Facebook. It just thinks there’s nothing wrong with it. #defundthefbi and prosecute guilty parties. Otherwise, America is totally over.
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