Election 2022: Here Comes Monkeypox!!

Prediction: Blue states will shut down over “Monkeypox.” Red states will not.

The question is what border states will do; purple states decide elections.



“If your voice held no power, they would not try to silence you.” (Unknown)


Delta Variant isn’t working; release the Monkeypox!


“We are in a spiritual battle between good and evil, and a lot of people are choosing the side of evil because it’s easier.” (posted on Facebook by Amil Imani)


“Honesty is a very expensive gift. Don’t expect it from cheap people.”

— Warren Buffet


Concerned about Monkey Pox? Rest assured, the CDC is engaged in a scientific, objective investigation, as always!


“I can’t believe it’s Monkey pox season already. I still have my Ukraine dectorations up.”

@StephHoover8 on Twitter




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