From my social media posts, mostly in response to the crackdown on the Canadian trucker protest, including the arrest of its two top leaders.
Protests now illegal UNLESS you are a Communist or terrorist. The free world is no longer free.
New precedent: Government may freeze your bank accounts when you peacefully protest their polices. 2022 is already worse than 2020. Tyranny is a malignancy; it spreads like cancer.
What Canadian fascists don’t see: When you take away ALL of a principled man’s rights, he has nothing left to lose by resisting.
Justin Trudeau & his henchmen should be forcibly removed from office, charged with theft, and imprisoned for violating the individual property rights of citizens. Why is this not self-evident?
Ottawa tyrants threaten to confiscate animals of truckers and their supporters. Evil has never been this sadistic.
Gas near $5 / gallon in California. To the ruling left, it’s like outlawing gas — for everyone but the elites. Precisely the goal.
They claim all the COVID fascism was to protect life. Life under COVID fascism is a living death. The people who support COVID fascism hate life.
If health were really the priority, you would not harass, bankrupt, starve or separate from their children and pets the people whose health you claim to protect.
Freezing your bank account for supporting Trump is now on the leftist platform, openly. How can concentration camps or gulags be far behind?
Putin regime or Biden regime — what’s the difference? Does it really matter who wins?
Burning down and looting cities while police stand aside gets you unlimited perks and praise. Standing up for your individual right to determine what medication goes into your body gets you this. Wake up, people: YOU ARE NO LONGER LIVING IN THE FREE WORLD. Nobody will bring your freedom back for you. You’re going to have to take it back, yourselves.
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