He’s gone.
“The truth does not require a majority to prevail, ladies and gentlemen. The truth is its own power. The truth will out. Never forget that.”
— Rush Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh’s broadcasts are now part of history. I will always be proud that he spent one of those golden hours reading and analyzing an article I wrote from my website. America lost a true patriot at a time we could least afford it.
Find the October 2016 broadcast HERE.
The leftists saying things like “Rush Limbaugh will rot in hell”–and far worse things I won’t repeat–are given full expression on Twitter and Facebook. In spewing their hatred and vitriol, they reveal their own deep-seated fragility and terror of honest, logical truth. In behaving with less composure than even the most immature of children, these self-conscious poseurs exhibit the VERY qualities they have accused Donald Trump, his supporters and all other thinking nonleftists of exhibiting. Try to remember that these wretched specimens of psychological self-torture and unsustainable self-loathing are the most pitiful creatures alive. Rush Limbaugh understood this better than most, which is how he put them in their place so artfully and skillfully for many, many years.
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