Biden and Harris are demanding that Twitter take down President Trump’s account (according to Fox Business). Simply delete it. Twitter has not yet complied fully. It’s posting caveats over Trump’s posts, and taking down some individual posts. What happens when Biden and Harris are President? When they demand, as President, that Twitter take down accounts they don’t like, what will the companies do? And when dissidents go and form another platform, can’t the same dictators who commanded Twitter and Facebook do so with the new platform, when and if it becomes a threat to them?
You might think a 6-3 or 5-4 majority on the Supreme Court will protect our free speech. It won’t. The Court will now be stacked with a permanent leftist majority.
I wonder how many Biden voters — the REAL ones, not the manufactured ones — are actually ready for all this. I know a lot of them are just fine with it. But I know some people who voted for Biden who won’t like it when the government eventually exercises its newfound power over them. Because eventually, Biden voters, your big government is coming for YOU, too.
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