Democratic Senate leader Chuck Schumer calls Trump a “get-nothing-done president”.
Well of course he’d say that. Think of the things a career politician like Schumer wants a president to “get done”:
Nationalize the entire practice of medicine with “Medicare for all”. Outlaw all private insurance companies — immediately. Life or death medical decisions now will be handled by a bureaucracy outside of Washington DC.
Increase gas/fuel prices and outlaw airline travel in ten years via a “Green New Deal”.
Give money to our worst enemies, like Iran. Through subsidies, encourage them to build nuclear bombs to use against Israel and ultimately the United States.
Spy on presidential candidates in the opposition party, as Obama did, and violate his oath of office to uphold the Constitution in the process.
Undermine the spirit of free enterprise by telling risk-taking entrepreneurs who achieve, “You didn’t build that”.
Increase taxes through the roof, rather than cut them. Punish success and achievement. Blame America for 9/11 and any other attacks against us.
Put trillions more into government-run schools to keep brainwashing children with socialism/environmentalism and teaching them how NOT to think. While we’re at it, do the same for all college education, too, by making college free and under the total control of the government.
Entice people into giving up their freedom by appealing to their most immature fears and most loathsome desires for freebies.
Have no national borders whatsoever, and turn the United States into a massive welfare agency for the entire world. Hand out trillions in freebies that people born 300 years from now will not be able to pay off. Let terrorists in while we’re at it, and permit terrorists to sit on House intelligence committees where they can learn national security secrets to use against our country.
Sure. By those standards, President Trump is a “get-nothing-done” president. And thank goodness he is. Without him, we’d all be dead by now.
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