“Congress votes to end government shutdown, sending bill to Trump’s desk…Team Schumer caves on filibuster as House, Senate approve end to shutdown; bill heads to Trump’s desk…Democrats blink.” [foxnews.com headline 1/22/18]
Now there’s a headline we haven’t seen for a few decades: Democrats blink.
You know the Obama years are over when you see headlines like this.
I won’t go so far as to say Republicans are consistent and strong. But all it takes is a little bit of backbone when you’re up against parasites. And the Democratic Party is unequivocally and consistently the party of anti-liberty, anti-self-responsibility, pro-Big Government statism. Statism is the opposite of America and at total odds with the Constitution. Democrats have become uncompromising and unyielding statists. That’s why Republicans have to become twice as uncompromising in return. Trump’s victory in this instance shows how little of that it takes.
That’s what the DACA debate is all about, after all. Democrats see unfettered and unconditional immigration as a chance to have more voters. They’re probably right. But more voters to accomplish what? To ensure that more citizens live off the government. It doesn’t say much for Democratic politicians’ opinions of minorities and immigrants, does it?
The lesson here is that all you have to do is grow a backbone and stand up to the bullies. Because bullies are parasites and bullies are wrong. Democrats, let’s face it, have become the party of pure evil. Republicans are more of a mixed bag, but under Donald Trump they’re certainly growing more of a backbone.
Here’s to more and more of the same in hopes that we can eventually send the anti-freedom parasites back to the holes where they belong.
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