Leftist Fascination With Violence Now Targets Conservative Ben Shapiro

Here’s just the latest example: A University of California, Merced professor declined to debate conservative author Ben Shapiro, but offered to fight him, according to audio released Wednesday.

Fernando Cortes Chirino, a sociology professor at the university, addressed Shapiro’s upcoming visit to Merced and suggested he would enjoy “ripping this fool’s shoulder out of his socket” in a charity fight, reported Campus Reform.

The human capacity for contradiction — especially when fundamentally wrong — never ceases to fascinate me.

Think about it. Leftists hate conservatives like Ben Shapiro because conservatives favor gun rights and a strong, decisive stand against violent enemies of freedom like ISIS. Leftists say they prefer peace, brotherhood, coexistence, socialism and the abolition of guns and weapons over what conservatives like Shapiro advocate. Yet their approach in response to a debate? Violence. The very thing they claim to oppose is the very thing they resort to when they don’t have a satisfactory reply.

I realize not all leftists advocate or threaten violence like this professor’s threat against Shapiro illustrates. But more and more of them do, to the point where conservatives or anyone who’s not a strong leftist Democrat can no longer safely speak on a college campus. Most of those college campuses receive tax funds from leftists and non-leftists alike!

The professor’s threats of violence against dissenting views are consistent with the underlying premise of leftism, political correctness and socialism: force.

Everything that a leftist supports — socialized medicine, speech codes, denial of the right to association, denial of the right to own a gun, denial of the right to operate one’s business as one sees fit and keep all of the profits — rests on force. They prefer the force of government wielded against a compliant public instead of the kind this university professor threatens against conservative Ben Shapiro, i.e., to knock his lights out. But everything about leftism, socialism and what they call “progressivism” rests not on liberty but on force. Remember that.

That’s why the more leftists do not get their way, the more threats of violence and actual follow-through on violence we can expect. President Trump elicits this violence not because of his style so much as his outright refusal to cave in to the threats of leftists who seek to use the force of government (along with a compliant, dishonest media) to get everything they want. Leftists are not strong, not deep down, because they’re wrong about so much. When they sense strength and confidence in any opponent, like President Donald Trump, it makes them wild with anger and rage, increasingly to the point of violence.

It’s such a contradiction. People who endorse pacifism, peace, love and brotherhood have no way to enforce any of it other than through guns — the very guns they claim to loathe the most and seek to outlaw, at least in the hands of anyone who’s not a criminal.

It would be hilarious if the growing atmosphere of civil war, represented by this professor, were not growing stronger by the day.

It’s entirely explainable. Leftism is based on raw subjectivism. Subjectivism means you get to have your feelings honored no matter what injustice those feelings impose on others or the logical inconsistency they convey. That’s why you will never, ever find a leftist admitting he or she is wrong. You’ll only get called names and, when it finally escalates, you’ll get physical threats.

It’s all they’ve got. Why? Because it’s all their ideological attitude and underlying premise of subjectivity permit. Leftists are lost souls with dangerous impulses. It’s good that those of us on the other side prefer to be armed — intellectually as well as literally.

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