I keep hearing politicians claim, “We’ve got to pay for President Trump’s tax cuts.”
But why? Properly understood, tax cuts are an act of justice. Tax cuts refer to restoring money to its rightful owners. Morally, no justification is required. Economically, tax cuts pay for themselves so long as we cut spending, something the government has virtually never been willing to do.
The ones who should be defending themselves are those who demanded taxes in the first place.
Yes, I know we need a government. And I know government must be paid for somehow. But the vast majority of what our government does today has nothing to do with the protection of individual rights and private property specified by the Constitution. The vast majority of what government does today is either (1 ) interfering in areas where it does not belong, like education and health care and, (2) redistributing wealth.
If you’re in favor of maintaining all or most of what the federal government does and you’re in favor of tax cuts, then you’re guilty of a contradiction. But if you don’t think government has a moral right to be doing most of what it does today, then you’re entirely consistent when you argue that tax cuts are an act of justice.
Democrats are open socialists. In fact, since Barack Obama’s presidency and President Trump’s election, they’re more like outright Communists. Most Republicans, sadly, are now the democratic socialists that Democrats used to be. Everything has moved in the wrong direction. Aside from President Trump’s valid insistence that we cut taxes for economic reasons, we have a Congress more interested in which groups should be rewarded and which groups should be punished in the great Swamp of Wealth Redistribution. Except for maybe a tiny handful of Republicans like Rand Paul, none of them care a whit about justice.
Sooner or later, we’ll have to ask the basic questions: What should government be doing or not doing, and why? But regardless, tax cuts are an act of justice. It’s true that they will stimulate the economy, because money in the hands of those who produced it is infinitely more practical and economic than money in the hands of politicians who stole it, and who have no accountability whatsoever for what they do with it.
But the issue goes deeper than that. Watching America struggle with all this reminds me of an individual in psychotherapy struggling with her or her contradictions. If America were an individual person, this is the point where I would say, “Sooner or later you’ll have to choose. Freedom or slavery; capitalism or socialism.”
Unfortunately, nobody is listening, at least not yet. But our moment of truth is coming, and probably sooner than you think.
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