The Real Issue About DACA Nobody’s Discussing

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Thursday that the Trump administration would rescind former President Obama’s Deferred Action for Children Arrivals (DACA) executive action.

Republicans and Democrats — from Paul Ryan to Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama — all call it mean.

But the real issue is not whether it’s mean. The real issue is whether we are all each other’s keepers, under the law.

Communism and socialism teach that nobody is sovereign over his or her own life, and that everyone is responsible for everyone else. Their political systems put this viewpoint about morality into law. Welfare statists are, at the core, the same.

Obama’s DACA action — aside from being unconstitutional, since he issued the edict without Congressional legislative authority — rested on the premise that we are all each other’s keepers. Not only are Americans the keepers of all other Americans, but they are the keepers of everyone else on the planet — and their children too.

If we didn’t have a $20 trillion (soon to be $22 trillion when the national debt limit rises) entitlement state, immigration would be what it properly ought to be: a haven for self-responsible and self-starting people to make America their home. Obama’s DACA action sought to defy the Constitution and turn our brother’s keeperism into an international obligation. It was also a cynical ploy to ensure that millions more people become instant citizens and subsequently vote for the Democratic-Republican welfare programs that keep these people in power.

Instead of fighting for DACA, why doesn’t somebody fight for the individual’s right to be sovereign over his or her own life, liberty, property and pursuit of happiness? Because until bankrupt America transforms itself into the Constitutional republic it started out as, immigration — with or without DACA — will remain a dysfunctional travesty. So will everything else.

We’ve got to make America free again, if we’re to make America great again. “Free” includes economic freedom, i.e., capitalism. A free market system and a nation of individualists would, out of necessity, open up its country to productive persons who share the values that once made the country great, and could again — if only we’d let them.

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