Just Watch: Hurricane Harvey Will Be President Trump’s Fault!

Three Ways Hurricane Harvey Will Be Reported…

# 1: It’s Donald Trump’s fault. Yes, it’s Donald Trump’s fault. Hurricanes happen because of climate change. President Trump disputes climate change, and consequently withdrew from the Paris climate change accord. The Paris accord punished America economically for supposedly causing climate change. (That’s a good thing, to people who support it.) From that moment forward, natural disasters are all Donald Trump’s fault.

# 2: FEMA (they’ll say) messed up because of Donald Trump. Of course, FEMA is always clunky and bureaucratic at best. It tries to do for disaster relief what Communism tried to do for hunger, economic stagnation and perpetual poverty in Russia, Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela. Command-and-control from the nation’s capital of a huge country never works when voluntary and local authorities with the greatest stake will always do far better. When Barack Obama was in office, FEMA did just fine according to the same media that will now bemoan and condemn FEMA under the Trump administration. In fact, Obama’s FEMA could do no wrong. Now that a Republican is in office — Donald Trump, of all people — FEMA does not stand a chance.

# 3: Responses to the hurricane will polarize race relations. Black people are harder hit by natural disasters than white people are. That’s what we’ll be told. Is nature racist? No, but Americans are. This shows how unequal our society is economically by race. It proves racism. When the exact same thing happens under a Democratic administration, it’s not racism. But when Donald Trump is president, it’s racism. That’s that.

If President Trump takes the bait, he’ll be on the defensive for days and weeks after Hurricane Harvey hits Texas. The worse the damage, the truer this will be. Climate change, FEMA bureaucracy, poor race relations … they are ALL Donald Trump’s fault! After all, we see how well the Obama years cleared up these real or alleged issues.

By the way, capitalism is the best safeguard against natural disasters. You’re far better off in an economically thriving country during a natural disaster than in a poor country where everyone (rulers aside) is equally poor. None of this is to minimize the authentic suffering of real people following any natural disaster. But if you fantasize that suffering would in any way be reduced by the sort of economic and social system advocated by the proponents of equal impoverishment for all, then you’re living in a fool’s paradise.

So brace yourself, President Trump, for the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. The worse this storm is, the more you will get the blame for it.

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