A Divided America Tries to Celebrate July 4

Two days ago, Barack Obama visited Indonesia and ranted about the lack of “tolerance and moderation” in America. He also called for a stop to attacks on “democracy” and freedom of the press. He basically came out against what he sees as the dangers of too much patriotism, which he labels nationalism. Translation: too much love of liberty and freedom — unless someone like him is in charge, of course.

In a speech at a military hospital almost the same day as Obama’s tirade, President Trump said, “America is a land rich with heroes…We all bleed the same red blood,” said Trump, promising an adoring crowd that America would “win again”.

What a stunning contrast. One man, Obama, says that if you don’t agree with him, you’re scum and you’re “anti-democratic”. The other says we all bleed the same blood, in an attempted call for unity. Well, at least Mr. Trump can say he tried. It’s true we all bleed the same blood. But we don’t all want — or stand for — the same things. Progressivism is socialism. It means restraints on private ownership and, ultimately, it has to mean — as it has always meant, whether in National Socialist (Nazi) Germany or Soviet Russia — restraints on liberty itself. At the root, socialism means that the individual owes his sovereignty not to himself, but to the state; a state, it seems, always run by progressives or their equivalent.

We cannot reconcile these two things, socialism and liberty. We cannot reconcile any form of liberty with the kind of attitudes, ideas and policies advanced by Obama, the people who support him, and those who are more than happy to take his place. Donald Trump is right to try and unify America. But to those of us out here, it does not seem like those of us who shed the same red blood really want the same things.

And that’s a problem.

Obama is gone, and Trump is in office. That makes many of us a lot happier. But it makes just as many others highly angry and resentful. Because Trump’s love of what America stands for does not and cannot square with the vision of America’s opposite that Obama continues to propagate. Somehow, this deep and irreparable difference has to be resolved. If it isn’t, it’s not clear how many more 4th of July celebrations we’re actually going to have.

I’d love to know what the Obama supporters are really celebrating on July 4. It cannot be love of liberty or individualism. They sneer at these things. It’s not private property, capitalism or individual rights. They laugh at such concepts, except when in pursuit of their own needs or demands. They’ll say it’s “tolerance and diversity” that makes America great. But doesn’t tolerance presuppose liberty, freedom, private property and the right to keep what you earn? How are tolerance and diversity to survive without liberty? Or without freedom? Togetherness is not an end in itself — at least, not when people don’t want the same things. It’s more like an unhappy and untenable marriage. All progressives like Obama have to offer those of us who disagree with socialist progressivism is, “You’re going to do what we say, pull together, and you’re going to like it — or else!” Well, a lot of us cannot and will not be repressed so easily. So what next, progressives?

Sometimes squabbling partners resolve their differences. But only when they come to realize that deep down, their interests align and they want the same fundamental things. What do you want, progressives? I know what the rest of us want: The sovereign, inalienable right to live our lives free of dogma and dictators. This includes freedom from authoritarians such as yourselves. If you won’t let us have that sovereignty, then there’s going to be a hell of a lot more fighting ahead.

That’s the spirit in which I wish those who agree — happy Independence Day! It’s not just independence from Great Britain in 1776. It’s independence from the sort of tyranny and government control that progressives relentlessly seek to impose on us. The leftists love to talk of “solidarity”. But the future belongs to those who love life, themselves and their freedom first. In the end, no matter how hard the struggle, it will always be the freedom-lovers and liberty-defenders who have to win.

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