In these wacky, logically lopsided times, it takes — of all people — a gay porn star to articulate the growing fascism of the “progressive” leftist movement.
Consider this:
The Chicago Dyke March’s decision to boot three women carrying Jewish pride flags from their event last weekend was “deeply ignorant” and “ridiculous,” Michael Lucas, a gay pornographic film actor and director, told Breitbart Jerusalem in an interview.
Lucas is founder and CEO of Lucas Entertainment, New York’s largest gay adult film company and one of the biggest gay porn production companies in the world.
He compared the Dyke March’s actions to anti-Semitic policies carried out by Nazi Germany.
“One of the first things the Nazis did was claim that Jews were a threat, and exclude them from participating in public events and gatherings,” Lucas stated. “Eventually they required Jews to wear the Star of David on their clothing, the ultimate symbol of the persecution of the Jews.”
“And now these women say the Star of David is a ‘trigger,’ is threatening to them? These are deeply ignorant people who are turning history on its head.”
Lucas criticized the lack of significant response on the matter from major LGBT organizations. “What happened in Chicago was despicable, and it certainly does not represent the thinking of all LGBT people, who should be outraged by this hateful moment. All gay organizations talk about diversity and inclusion, so where are the condemnations now from those groups?”
Political correctness kills. Why? Because ideas have consequences, and the wrong ideas lead to things like Nazi Germany.
Political correctness does the same thing Nazism did in an earlier era. It encourages us to think of people as members of a group, rather than as individuals. According to the p.c. view, there’s no such thing as individual rights. There are only classes of people. Some classes are oppressors, while others are the oppressed. At a certain point in time, gays and lesbians became an oppressed class. If you were a gay or lesbian individual, you were automatically a victim. If you were heterosexual, you were automatically a victimizer. If you’re white, you’re automatically a victimizer of blacks and Hispanics. If you’re an infidel — especially Christian — then you’re a victimizer of Muslims. There are no individual victims or victimizers in the world of p.c.– only classes of them.
When you stop viewing people as individuals and you start viewing them as only members of classes, then you end up with the kind of ludicrous, absurd contradictions we now see in the LGBT movement, as with all other progressive movements. “Gays are victims. But so are Muslims.” So what happens when a Muslim individual wishes to slaughter a gay or lesbian individual, as happened in Orlando last year, and happens in Muslim countries every day? There’s no answer. Because the protected victim group is always right and the victimizer group is always wrong. But what happens when one victim group seeks to annihilate another? Which side do you take?
Gay and lesbian activists are between a rock and a hard place. They cannot say anything offensive about even one Muslim, because Islam — especially since Obama — has become untouchable and outside the realm of even mild criticism. Yet many Muslims would quite literally have the heads of most gays and lesbians. What to do?
In the end, only individualism will save us. In government and politics, that translates to individual rights. Not group rights — but individual rights. Government’s job is to protect the rights of individuals, not to sacrifice politically incorrect groups for the sake of politically correct ones. That’s what gangs do, not rational and reasonable governments.
Nazis, in their day, were “triggered” by all things Jewish — and homosexual too, by the way. They used their claim of a right “not to be triggered” as an excuse ultimately to slaughter millions of people who triggered uncomfortable emotions in them. They were a lot like today’s left, which will sue, fine, jail — and who knows, ultimately slaughter — those who trigger or offend them in any way.
How horrifying to see people who would have been victims of the Nazi barbarism become apologists for today’s intolerant barbarians.
And it takes a gay porn star to challenge these gay and lesbian rights groups for their cowardly and bewildered silence — the very silence that gave rise to Nazi Germany of an earlier era.
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