Collectivism (Obama’s ideology) is the basis for socialism and most forms of dictatorship. It’s also the basis for Big Government programs such as Social Security, Medicare and now Obamacare. If you accept and endorse these programs in principle, then by definition you’re endorsing collectivism, whether you know it/believe it/think it, or not.
According to collectivism, your debt is not to honor your own survival, including responsibility to children you might create. Your debt is to ‘the common good.’ The common ‘good’ does not bring actual good to anyone, not individually. Nor is it supposed to. In fact, that’s the whole point! Collectivism brings theoretical ‘good’ to people down the road, usually many generations down the road. To care about them is virtuous, and to care about yourself is bad. Not bad like murderer bad — but very bad.
It’s the same premise with Obamacare or socialized medicine. ‘You have no right to care about your own health care. You must care that everyone has health care.’ Whether Obamacare actually does that is another story. But it’s the underlying ‘moral’ premise behind the law, and all laws like it. ‘Do your duty, not for yourself, but for ‘all.” It’s not only morally obscene; it’s practically impossible. Collectivism is based on a logical contradiction. It talks of ‘all’ or society apart from the individuals who comprise it. According to collectivism, if you benefit from a private health care market or educational marketplace now, then by advancing your own interests, you have harmed society.
If you deliberately give up quality or excellence and surrender to mediocrity for its own sake, then it will lift everyone. Sacrifice is good, so that future individuals (who are presumably supposed to sacrifice as well) can benefit. So when their time comes to benefit, they must give up and sacrifice as well. Sacrifice is an endless regression into poverty and despair.
It’s organized and fully rationalized suicide on a universal scale.
This is one reason why societies based on collectivism — Communism, for example — always stagnate and fail. When you remove self-interest from the equation, everyone is equally miserable (except for the rulers, of course).
Obama was elected and then reelected on an explicit platform of, ‘You have a right to a living.’ That’s what it means to say, ‘Spread the wealth around.’
It’s no different from the Communist manifesto: ”from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.’ That’s precisely what Obama stands for, and implements in office literally every day of his presidency.
It has been a long time coming, but Obama’s reelection was the ultimate affirmation of a fundamental transformation of American culture from a place where you’re entitled not merely to pursue happiness, but to have it handed to you.
Americans living today have never known poverty or dictatorship. Most take it for granted that from one generation to the next, economic conditions will improve.
Given this naivet a majority of Americans have now concluded, ‘If life will always be good, then it’s not fair that someone else has it better than I do. I’m entitled to be even happier than I am now, since others are.’ It’s the big guy versus the little guy, and I’m the little guy, the victim, the innocent one who never gets a break.
Hence, the emergence of an arrogant, narcissistic ‘leader’ like Obama that reflects the attitude — the worst within certain people — that the world does, indeed, owe them a living. Not merely a pittance, either. But a real, self-fulfilled, state-of-the-art twenty-first century lifestyle.
It stands to reason that when the majority of people in a society become motivated by envy and resentment, they’re going to elect someone like Obama.
When more people change themselves, and improve their own characters and souls, they’ll end up with much better leaders.
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