Obama and advocates of socialized medicine have won.
But have they, really?
I was talking with a waitress I know just today. She asked me, “Can you explain, in terms that I’ll understand, what Obamacare actually means — to me?” I told her: “Imagine if you went to work tomorrow. Your boss tells you, ‘Your tips have been set at a certain fee. You’ll be getting the same tip from every customer, every time.’ That will be the position of your doctor, who now plays only by the government’s rules.” She paused and then her eyes lit up. “I totally get it.”
Obamacare proponents sold their idea on a promise. The promise is that health care will be as good, or better, than ever — only now, for everyone. But the federal government is already $15 trillion in debt because of Medicare and Medicaid. Now that trillions more will be spent on Medicaid and Medicare in another few years, the debt will grow exponentially. Government will have to cut costs. How can there be no consequence to your personal medical care?
A lot of doctors, as it is, don’t take Medicaid. Many are considering dropping Medicare, as cost cuts loom. Exactly how does it benefit “everyone” to be covered if there are no doctors willing to work for them?
There are those who foolishly believe that this is all about “coverage.” Everything will be the same, only more people will be “covered.” This is like saying, “The government is going to take over the manufacture of cars. There will be no more competing automobile companies. Government will decide what kind of cars people will drive, how often they’ll drive them, and everyone’s car will be the same (except for the politicians or otherwise connected, of course.) The good news? Everyone will have a car.”
I doubt this would ever sell, not even in today’s America. But it’s the exact same thing that has happened to health care. Everyone, at least on paper, now has a doctor. Government guarantees it, by forcing some to pay for it.
Supporters of Obama’s socialized medicine scheme, upheld by the Supreme Court in a 5-4 vote, are calling this a “victory for everyone.”
Try telling this to people whose health coverage will be cancelled in 2014. In a survey last year, 30 percent of companies who currently provide health insurance coverage for employees plan to drop this benefit. Why? Because Obamacare guarantees government Medicaid to anyone without health insurance. Why should businesses provide health insurance when they know employees can get coverage through the government for free? That number will be much higher than 30 percent, before it’s all over.
Tell this to people who currently pay their own health insurance premiums. Premiums will skyrocket as Obamacare increases regulation, which in turn increases cost. On top of this, supply of health insurance will shrink relative to demand. Think private schools. Private schools are too expensive for most people because there aren’t enough of them to meet the demand. Why? Because government is providing schools for “free.” It will be the same when Medicaid and Medicare become the coverage for the majority of the population.
Tell it to anybody (outside of a former President or Senator and his family) who at some point is a medical care patient. Medical decisions will be subject to annual Congressional budgets along with the supervision of a National Health Board. Think government shutdowns. Every time Congress is responsible for passing another two-month extension on a budget, there’s a threatened government shutdown along with embarrassing political squabbling. Now you’ll be able to watch members of Congress fight over how many mammograms are “too many” and whether people over 70 should be treated for brain cancer, or only people under 50.
Tell it to people who have to work to pay for their health insurance benefits, and pay more in taxes — so that those who do not work won’t have to pay anything, and can obtain medical care for free.
The Supreme Court decision is kind of like 9/11. It’s shocking, but not surprising. Few expected a conservative Chief Justice, appointed by George W. Bush, to uphold all of Obamacare, even the mandate. But weren’t you listening when George W. Bush claimed, during his presidency, that he wanted “compassionate” capitalism (translation: socialism), and he wanted to be Democratic icon Franklin Delano Roosevelt? Democrats have always set the agenda, and conservatives have always implemented it.
Socialized medicine a victory for all? Sure. As long as you don’t have to pay for it. As long as you don’t care about having a quality doctor. As long as you don’t care if your doctor works for you, at a profit — or for the government, getting his pay either way. As long as you never get sick, and you’re willing to entrust the administration and practice of medical care to the same idiots in Congress whom 95 percent of Americans don’t even respect.
The people who passed this legislation in our government are nothing more than power-lusting, self conscious “do-gooder” narcissists. Think I’m exaggerating? Put a copy of this article in your underwear drawer and pull it out around 2015 or so. And stay healthy.