Does it ever make sense to pressure loved ones, or others, to do what you want? Pressuring is an ineffective thing, in most cases. In a few cases, maybe someone agrees with you about what their priorities should be, and asks that you help them stay on track or in focus by reminding them or ‘nagging’ them in a friendly way. That’s OK, but that’s the exception rather than the rule, and it assumes the person already agrees with you on what their values or course of action should be. If someone disagrees with you on what their values or course of action should be, or is simply not yet certain and still trying to figure it out, then pressure is ineffective. It doesn’t matter how right or logical you are, or how sincere or well intentioned you believe yourself to be. If someone doesn’t want your pressure, it will only make things worse. It’s much better to keep your mouth shut, rather than repeat yourself, but also to go your separate way and withdraw your support of the person when they’re doing something of which you don’t approve.