We started out as a government of, by and for the people. We turned into a government OF some people and FOR the sake of some people financed BY other people.
We started out as a nation based on, “Give me liberty or give me death.” We became a nation of “Give me liberty to do what I want at his expense — or give him jail time.”
We started out as a “nation of laws, not of men.” We became a nation of certain men using whatever laws they wish to achieve whatever they want.
We started out as a government limited by the people. We became a government that limits the people.
Originally, we were a nation based on the individual right to pursue happiness. Eventually, we became a nation based on the right of many to HAVE happiness at the expense of individuals who must surrender their rights.
We might not be a dictatorship. But we are no longer a free country. The ideals and policies which animated the original United States of America will always be achievable. The United States, as it once was, is proof that it’s possible. Not proof that it will last — but at least that it’s possible.