John Edwards, who cheated on his dying wife, was the most openly and avowedly socialist of the presidential candidates this year. He emphasized
collective responsibility, relentlessly denigrated the self, and openly expressed his hatred for businesses that make lots of money, demanding that they be forced to give most of it up to others.
Edwards’ hypocrisy in his personal life should come as no surprise. We already knew he was nothing more than a high-priced ambulance chaser masking as a do-gooder in a society that increasingly rewards such people. He had every reason to believe that if he was celebrated as a leader for making millions as a well-connected attorney, while condemning those who make millions in honest business, that he would at least be tolerated for cheating on his dying wife.
Obviously, his wife forgave him since she knew about the affair several years ago. Who knows why? It’s probably because she really believes his socialistic babble about the need of the self to sacrifice. When you’re married to a man like this, you’re obviously already entrenched in a life of sacrifice whether you have terminal cancer, or not.
Consider John Edwards as nothing more than additional proof of the following maxim: Those who preach the virtue of sacrifice know full well that sacrifices require givers and takers. THEY intend to be the takers.